
Creativity, Critical thinking, Collaboration


Perfect for kids age 0 to 4

Ella is a regular, energetic 5-year-old girl who lives with her dad, friends, and neighbors in an apartment block called Sunshine Gardens.

Ella and her friends often find themselves in sticky situations (or as Ella puts it, "Uh-oh, what a pickle!" moments). Ella solves these problems in spectacular and surprisingly creative ways, always with the help of the entire Sunshine Gardens gang.

Relationships are central to the show, as they are in life. Ella and her friends all look out for one another, providing encouragement and making Sunshine Gardens a safe and interesting place to live.

Why you should check Ella Bella Bingo out:

Mistakes happen. Ella Bella Bingo teaches perseverance and important problem-solving skills by helping kids learn mistakes are a normal part of life and that leaning on your family and community is important to overcome adversity.

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